新蒂逍遥游体,灵感源自庄子的《逍遥游》,以文字寄托“无所待而游于无穷”的自在之境。全字逐字手写,笔意取法春秋帛书与汉简,在流畅与简练之间寻求平衡,展现古意盎然的飘逸之姿。字体线条自由奔放,如风行水上,轻盈自如;去除繁琐雕琢,保留原始书写的率真洒脱;融合帛书的柔和与汉简的劲健,在现代设计中焕发古文字的灵动气韵。仿若庄生梦蝶,游走间尽显天真烂漫之态。适用于诗词书写、文化品牌、古风设计、国潮创作等,赋予文字自由洒脱的灵魂,让每个字都如云水般随性流转。 Senty Ethereal Wander is a calligraphic typeface inspired by Zhuangzi’s (c. 369–286 BCE) Xiaoyaoyou (Ethereal Wandering), embodying effortless flow and unbounded freedom. Handwritten stroke by stroke, it blends the elegance of Warring States silk script with the simplicity of Han bamboo slips. Fluid yet refined, it captures the essence of carefree wandering—light, natural, and rhythmic. Perfect for poetry, branding, and cultural designs, it brings a timeless charm to every word, like drifting clouds and flowing water.